2021 Festival Programme

06 giugno 2021 ore 16:26

Printed version (it / en)

14.06.21 Monday


11:00-12:30 Teatro alla Scala | Piazza della Scala

Prix Italia Opening Ceremony

Presents: Barbara Capponi, Rai TG1 news Journalist

Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, President of the Senate of the Italian Republic
Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan, Chairman of Teatro alla Scala Foundation
Marcello Foa, Rai President
Dominique Meyer, Teatro alla Scala Artistic Director
Graham Ellis, Prix Italia President
Annalisa Bruchi, Prix Italia Secretary General
Attilio Fontana, President of Lombardy Regional Government

Italian language, sign language, streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it and on Rai Play


14:50-15:10 Stelline Foundation | Corso Magenta, 61

Rai Regional News Special Prix Italia 2021

Rai Lombardy news live coverage.
Presented by: Maria Rosa Monaco



15.06.21 Tuesday


10:30-12:30 Stelline Foundation, Sala Leonardo | Corso Magenta, 61

Panel: Is International Cooperation the Future for Media Productions?

In the digital age, coproductions have become crucially important for Broadcasters and Broadcaster Associations, as systematic cooperation is "the" key strategy to be competitive in a global media landscape where the OTTs have huge financial power. This panel will showcase and discuss some of the most successful coproduction models and strategies among broadcasters in Europe, Asia and elsewhere.

Introduction and Moderator: Monica Maggioni, Rai Journalist

Speakers: Simona Martorelli, Director International Relations and European Affairs Rai; Claudio Cappon, COPEAM Secretary General; Noel Curran, European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Director General; Henrik Hartmann, Nordvision Secretary General

English language, simultaneous translation, streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it and on Rai Play; course credits for journalists.


14:50-15:10 Stelline Foundation | Corso Magenta, 61

Rai Regional News Special Prix Italia 2021

Rai Lombardy news live coverage.


15:00-17:00 Stelline Foundation, Sala Leonardo | Corso Magenta, 61

Panel: Film to Fiction: New Ways to Produce and Consume Culture

The boom of streaming services has dramatically reshaped the audio-visual ecosystem and affected the film industry. Seriality and new ways of serial writing are more important than ever. Boundaries between factual and fictional storytelling are increasingly blurred. Traditional distribution models have become often obsolete. What are the key elements to create new synergies between broadcasters, streamers and festivals? How to catch the attention of highly selective audiences in front of big and small screens, and how to best serve creatives to find the widest possible outreach for their stories?

Introduction: Malgorzata Szumowska, Film Director, Screenwriter and Producer

Moderator: Alberto Romagnoli, Rainews24 Deputy Director

Speakers: Gianni Canova, Rector of Università IULM (University Institute of Modern Languages); Paolo Del Brocco, Rai Cinema CEO; Simone Emmelius, Senior Vice President International Fiction - Coproduction and Acquisition ‎ZDF; Susanna Nicchiarelli, Film Director; Trudie Styler, Actress, Film Producer and Director

English language, simultaneous translation, streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it and on Rai Play; course credits for journalists.


15:30-17:30 Stelline Foundation, Sala Chagall | Corso Magenta, 61

Online meeting: European Public Service Media and Social Cohesion organised by Rai Research and Development

How is the concept of "social cohesion" traditionally understood in the different countries and by the different public radio, television and multimedia services? What new priority challenges in terms of cohesion and social inclusion has the pandemic underlined to Public Service Media? How to ensure social cohesion and the inclusion of all diversities in the new digital ecosystem, where the "public spaces" through which easily access content and services of general interest are limited? Participants in the debate will take their cue from the results of the research, the first of its kind in terms of content and methodology, carried out between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 by the Rai Research Department and published in the volume: Social Cohesion. The challenge of the radio, television and multimedia public service, distributed by Rai Libri.

Participants: Flavia Barca, Coordinator of the book "Social Cohesion"; Graham Ellis, Prix Italia President; Matthew Hibberd, University of Italian Speaking Switzerland; Claudia Mazzola, Director of Rai Research Department; Giacomo Mazzone, Eurovisioni Secretary General; Paolo Morawski, Deputy Director of Rai Research Department; Tommaso Pedicini, Radio Colonia/COSMO WDR Editor in Chief


16:00-17:30 Stelline Foundation, Sala Bramante | Corso Magenta, 61

Rai New Season Preview

Rai Premium presents "Dio Mio" (Il Racconto della Vita)

Produced by: Rai Premium / Rai Vaticano
Director: Carlotta Bernabei

"Dio mio". It's the cry of pain in the face of adversity, suffering, weakness. Not necessarily aimed at the Almighty. Eight famous personalities tell their stories. From the TV host, to the football player, the entrepreneur, the nun. Stories that convey a message of hope, trust and encouragement, because when the pain is over there is always an "after" where to find the "solution".


17:00-18:00 Stelline Foundation, Sala Manzoni | Corso Magenta, 61

Rai New Season Preview

Rai Cultura presents "Il suono della bellezza"

A Rai Cultura production
Curator: Francesca Nesler
Director: Marco Odetto
Cast: Teatro dell'Opera di Roma Orchestra conducted by Maestro Daniele Gatti. Soprano: Rosa Feola, Basso: Roberto Lorenzi, with special guest Étoile Eleonora Abbagnato and Soloist Giuseppe Schiavone.

Rai Cultura and the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma joined for 'The Sound of Beauty', a musical tribute dedicated to the Galleria Borghese. Maestro Daniele Gatti will conduct the Orchestra of the Opera House in neoclassical art and in the music that most belongs to it, taking inspiration from the most significant artworks hosted by the Gallery. Featuring the Soprano Rosa Feola, the Basso Roberto Lorenzi, the Étoile Eleonora Abbagnato and the Soloist Giuseppe Schiavone. TV direction by Marco Odetto, musical direction by Elisabetta Foti.


21:15-23:00 Arianteo/Anteo Palazzo Reale | Piazza Duomo, 12

Rai Cinema presents "Miss Marx"

a film by Susanna Nicchiarelli with Romola Garai, Patrick Kennedy, a Vivo film production with Rai Cinema and Tarantula in co-production with VOO and Be tv

Brilliant, cultured, free and passionate, Eleanor is the youngest daughter of Karl Marx: among the first women to approach the themes of feminism and socialism, she participates in workers' struggles, fights for women's rights and the abolition of child labour. When she met Edward Aveling in 1883, her life changed forever, overwhelmed by a passionate love but a tragic fate.



16.06.21 Wednesday


10:00-18:00 Stelline Foundation, Sala Chagall | Corso Magenta, 61

Working group: EBU Radio Committee Meeting


10:30-12:30 Stelline Foundation, Sala Leonardo | Corso Magenta, 61

Panel: The Magic of a Live Audience and the Boom in Digital Services: Is This Our Future?

Performing Arts and other live events have recently been threatened in their very existence. Digital tools and formats have quickly helped shaping alternative ways to enjoy culture and to perform in front of an audience, with surprising results in terms of innovative quality and outreach. But can the experience in front of a screen ever substitute the participation in a real event? How can we make sure the desire for real performances will survive in the hearts and minds of the audience? How to make best use of the tools and formats of Digital Culture to prepare the re-birth of live theatre performances and events, cinemas and festivals in the post-pandemic world?

Moderator: Barbara Stefanelli, Vice Editor-in-chief of Corriere della Sera

Speakers: Marcello Foa, Rai President; Luigi Gubitosi, TIM CEO and General Director; Dominique Meyer, Teatro alla Scala Artistic Director; Vanessa O'Connor, Director of Member Relations and Communications, European Broadcasting Union (EBU); Cristiana Capotondi, Actress, remote connection

Video contribution: Laura Pausini, Singer

Italian language, simultaneous translation, streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it and on Rai Play; course credits for journalists.


14:00-16:00 Stelline Foundation, Sala Leonardo | Corso Magenta, 61

YLAB Event: Young university talents at Prix Italia – Rediscover the roots and plan the future

Presenter: Carlo Gentile

Italian language, streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it


14:50-15:10 Stelline Foundation | Corso Magenta, 61

Rai Regional News Special Prix Italia 2021

Rai Lombardy news live coverage.


16:30-17:30 Stelline Foundation, Sala Leonardo | Corso Magenta, 61

BBC Lecture: Journalism Under Threat – How Can It Survive the Crossfire

Noel Curran, European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Director General

Introduction: Marcello Foa, Rai President

English language, simultaneous translation, streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it and on Rai Play; course credits for journalists.


18:30-20:00 Stelline Foundation, Sala Leonardo | Corso Magenta, 61

"A première vue": COPEAM presents a selection of short films by young Mediterranean directors

English language, simultaneous translation, streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it


21:15-23:00 Arianteo/Anteo Palazzo Reale | Piazza Duomo, 12

Rai New Season Preview

Rai Fiction presents "Sorelle per sempre"

Written by Andrea Porporati, Mauro Caporiccio, with the collaboration of Maria Porporati and in consultation with the Alagna and Foderà families.
With Donatella Finocchiaro, Anita Caprioli, Claudio Castrogiovanni, Francesco Foti
Director: Andrea Porporati
Produced by 11 Marzo Film in collaboration with Rai Fiction

Born in the same hospital, same day, same time and switched at birth. It happened in Mazara del Vallo (Sicily) in the early 2000s. Later came the truth: the two families raised and loved the other's daughter. Psychologists, Juvenile Justice, common sense suggest a new exchange to the four parents. The blood bond versus the heart bond. Only love without barriers will be able to save everyone, to be born again.



17.06.21 Thursday


10:00-12:00 Stelline Foundation, Sala Manzoni | Corso Magenta, 61

Prix Italia General Assembly

For member broadcasters only

English language, Italian translation


11:00-12:30 Stelline Foundation, Sala Leonardo | Corso Magenta, 61

Press Conference: Festival "Rai per il Sociale"

The Prix Italia will also be the stage for the presentation of the first Festival "Rai per il Sociale", scheduled from 2nd to 4th July in Spoleto, within the Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi. An event organised in collaboration with ASviS and dedicated to the important topic of sustainability, which will be analysed in its different forms over the three days: environmental, economic, social. Representatives of Italian and international institutions, of the business and trade union world, voices of the third sector, and experiences of solidarity will meet. Numerous public service 'names' will have a conversation with them.

Moderator: Dante Fabiani, Rai Press Office

Speakers: Paola Carruba, Artistic Director of the Festival "Rai per il Sociale"; Marcello Foa, Rai President; Giovanni Parapini, Director of the Festival "Rai per il Sociale"; Pierluigi Stefanini, President of ASviS; Monique Veaute, Artistic Director of the Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi

Italian language and streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it and on RaiPlay


14:00-17:00 Palazzo Lombardia, sala 4 | Piazza Città di Lombardia, 1

Working group: EBU Legal and Policy Committee Meeting


14:50-15:10 Stelline Foundation | Corso Magenta, 61

Rai Regional News Special Prix Italia 2021

Rai Lombardy news live coverage.


17:00-19:00 Palazzo Lombardia, Auditorium Testori | Piazza Città di Lombardia 1

Prix Italia Award Ceremony

Presents: Livio Beshir

English language, Italian translation, streaming on www.prixitalia.rai.it and on RaiPlay



18.06.21 Friday


14:50-15:10 Stelline Foundation | Corso Magenta, 61

Rai Regional News Special Prix Italia 2021

Rai Lombardy news live coverage.





The Prix Italia events are open to the public, subject to availability with accreditation and in compliance with national and Rai measures in place to contain the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic.
The working groups meetings are behind closed doors.
At the Rai new season previews, members of the cast and production will be present.


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