Presentation of the 75th Prix Italia


Founded in 1948, the Prix Italia is an International Event, focused on a Competition which awards prizes for Radio, Television and Multimedia programmes. 
Since its very beginning, it has been annually organised by Rai. 

Starting from last year, as part of a corporate strategy, it has been incorporated within the International Relations and European Affairs Department, under the direct guidance of the Rai Chairwomanship. 
After a gradual decision-making review process, in an effort to constantly improve and upgrade its positioning in the competitive audiovisual sector, the year 2023 will mark the renewal of its general rules. 
In this context, a key role will be played by the President of Prix Italia, proposed by Rai.

He/she will annually characterise the edition of Prix Italia. He/she will be chosen among the world’s most prominent personalities in the media sector (or in a specific sector) and will guarantee the ever-growing prestige of the event.
As an outstanding leader in the field of communication, his/her contribution characterises the edition and will be instrumental for the growth and prestige of our Prize. 
Among his/her duties, the President of Prix Italia will chair the meetings of the Prix Italia “Community” (composed of the representatives of the competing broadcasting organisations). He/she will also supervise the jury proceedings and chair the works of the Juries of the Special Prizes, among which the final meeting of the Jury of the Special Prize in Honour of the President of the Italian Republic, the most prestigious award among the others.

The President of this edition is Walter Iuzzolino, television manager "against the tide", TV and Web series expert hunting international excellence, chosen by the Prix Italia Community during their annual online meeting hosted in the Rai’s headquarters in Viale Mazzini, attended by 45 broadcasters representing 36 countries. "A choice – as Soldi points out - that represents the increasingly felt need to combine quality and mainstream productions". On the occasion of its 75th Anniversary, a number of novelties are also envisaged; to name but a few: the short-listed entries in the three Radio/Podcast, TV and Digital sections will be officially presented to the local audience during a public screening, at the presence of the representatives (directors, scriptwriters, etc..) of the nominated programmes. The “in presence” jury proceedings will also be resumed.
In the wake of a successful 2022 edition, under the title “Sustainable Me”, characterised by the image of an olive tree, the 2023 Festival will be hosted, for the second year running, in Bari (Apulia region, southern Italy), 2nd-6th October.
In 2023, under the title “Engage Me”, in close collaboration with the Rai Sustainability Department, the Prix Italia will mantain its commitment in the promotion of sustainability.
“The 75th Prix Italia’s aim is to be ready for the future, for the next 75 years: more confident, more connected, and therefore in line with contemporary needs and the strategic goals of broadcasters. In 2023 the Prix Italia will become a Festival of audiovisual and digital excellence open to the public, to young people and innovation".

The President of Rai Marinella Soldi explained, while announcing the dates of the next edition of the Rai-branded event. The productions presented in the Competition will be displayed like in a film festival until the Award Ceremony day, together with a series of events, international meetings and screening previews.

Mr. Walter Iuzzolino's bio