Tg1 is Rai's leading news and information product: the moment when people are able to meet the world of government agencies, politics, society, the economy, culture and religion, with considerable attention dedicated to what's going on outside of Italy.    
    Once again in 2010 Italians preferred the Tg1 as their leading source of information.    
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During the past year, Tg1 confirmed its status as the most watched television news programme in Italy. All the top 50 positions in the ranking of the mostwatched news programmes are occupied by Tg1; in the top 100, 95 places are occupied by Tg1, and 5 by Tg5.

The productive efforts made by Tg1 in the last year have made it possible to create a quantity of broadcasts (news reports, specials, features, analyses and special editions) totalling about 1,100 hours, with 4,038 television events. The year that has just ended has been characterised by numerous events in Italy and the world. In Italy, for months the news was dominated by the sad story of two teenage girls: the disappearance and murder of Sarah Scazzi and the disappearance of Yara Gambirasio.

At international level, the tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti, the oil that leaked out of a BP platform in the Gulf of Mexico and the dramatic story of the Chilean miners, trapped underground for weeks on end, with its happy ending. In 2010, 13 Italian soldiers were killed in service in Afghanistan, in the Taleban ambush on 4 October, in the Gulistan Valley, in which 4 members of the Alpine Corps lost their lives. To cope with competition from the Internet, the Tg1 has completely renewed the offering of contents of the web and improved Internet broadcasting, developing a high-quality online news page which has achieved record numbers of visitors in the few months since it was launched: over 8 million pages visited every week, 810 thousand visitors, with an average of 5.5 pages seen during each browsing session.

The success of Tg1 Web is due to the amount of news published, inquiries, videos and video chat in which the leading names of the channel are involved. The 8.00 p.m. edition of the Tg1 is confirmed not only as the leading source of information and as one of the most watched TV programmes every day. Since September, the Tg1 has had a new competitor: the two editions of Enrico Mentana's TgLa7, at 1.30 p.m. and 8.00 p.m.

In 2010, the 8.00 p.m. edition of the Tg1 had an average number of 5,877,000 viewers with a 27.0% share. The advantage over the Tg5 rose to 970,000 (+4.6 share points). The record number of viewers during the year (7,802,000 viewers and a 29.42% share) was achieved on 10 March, during the regional electoral campaign. The 1.30 p.m. edition of the Tg1 was confirmed as the most watched news programme in the afternoon, reaching an average number of 4,529,000 million viewers (26.7% share). The Tg1 Economy supplement, which lasts 10 minutes and is broadcast at about 2.00 p.m., attracts 2,117,000 viewers with a share of 12.9%.

The 5.00 p.m. edition of the Tg1 in 2010 obtains an average of 2 million viewers (21.0%); for the second year running this TG has recorded a rise in viewers. In the last year, the trend has been +185 thousand and 1.4 share points compared with 2009. In 2009, Tg1 Notte recorded an average of 463 thousand viewers and an 11.7% share. Since September, the three main editions of Tg1 Mattina, at 7.00, 8.00 and 9.00 a.m., are broadcast 7 days a week. This has made it possible to enrich the news coverage of the Tg1 in the morning time slot, also on Saturday and Sunday. The 7.00 a.m. edition of the Tg1 obtains an average of 891 thousand viewers (27.8%); the 8.00 a.m. edition 1,449,000 viewers (26.3%) and the 9.00 edition 1,328,000 viewers (27.4%).