is one of the most recognisable and timeless Rai brands, with 27 years of history behind it. The teletext service is available on the three general-interest networks and the broadcast is presented in different original versions also available on the web, the Mhp application of digital terrestrial television and mobile telephone.    
  The 'dear old' Televideo, the Rai's teletext which has no rivals in Italy and is one of the most authoritative and constant in the world, is always up to date. It is on all the DTT offering and is also 'web friendly'. On the Internet it holds the record for the number of pages visited among the news and information websites and breaks free from its 'historical' boundaries on television: from 2010, Televideo Nazionale is available on all the DTT channels.  
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Rai Televideo

For the first time, from 2010 the classic Televideo Nazionale, available on RaiUno and RaiDue, is on air 24/7 also on all Rai's new DTT channels, with its news report in real time and with its 60 indices and roughly four thousand pages published simultaneously. In addition to news and information (with Ultim'ora, Prima Pagina, which scrolls through the events of the day both in Italy and around the world, including the economy, politics, citizens' rights, sport, culture, and entertainment), Televideo Nazionale offers a bit of everything: from the stock exchange to the labour market, from social security to healthcare, from weather to transportation, from TV and radio programmes to the latest films, music and theatre, from the lotteries to horoscopes and cuisine, from environmental issues to consumer associations. RaiTre broadcasts the 21 different editions of Televideo Regionale (an edition for each region, with two in Trentino-Alto Adige), with about thirteen thousand simultaneous pages. Televideo Regionale focuses on services and segments of a more regional scope, guaranteeing constant updates on local pharmacies, cinemas, theatres, the weather, traffic and sport (with over 500 championships in the various disciplines), and tourism, while promoting relations between local government and its citizenry, also for those who still aren't habitual users of the web. The huge audience gained over the years by Televideo withstands the challenge posed by the new media. 20 million 500 thousand Italians know and use Televideo, and 6.5 million people read Televideo Nazionale every day. The latest research carried out certifies that "71% of users use Televideo while watching television programmes and that the remaining 29% switch on the TV specifically to use it". Besides TV programmes, the themes which receive most viewers are current events and sport. The habits of Televideo users show satisfaction with use and well as quick, easy and userfriendly communication. More than flattering results have been achieved for the web version ( In 2010, Televideo website totalled over 8 million 200 thousand single users (average 685 thousand a month) and conquered the record for the number of page views (almost 174 million). Televideo's primary mission, together with the provision of information, is defined by the Service Contract between Rai and the Italian government. For the hearing impaired, Televideo provides live subtitles for numerous editions of the various Tg and for certain features. It also guarantees subtitles for a wide range of programmes - partly re-proposed on the web and differentiated by genre - (films, TV series, entertainment, information, football matches, documentaries, cartoons, etc.) and supplied subtitles in English for a total of over 12,500 hours of subtitling in 2010. Along with subtitling, Televideo also plays a very delicate role in providing programming for the blind, with news and information, audio-books and musical works, not only for informative purposes but also for computerised learning. Here, the highlight is the production by Televideo of a variety of multimedia works, especially fairy stories dedicated to blind and visionimpaired children, also for educational purposes.