
Helen Pridmore

  • Andato in onda:05/03/2014
  • Visualizzazioni:

Helen Pridmore

Nata a Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Video spediti da Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada
La sua voce è stata acclamata come ”potente e indimenticabile” (American Record Guide), la sua attività si concentra sulla musica contemporanea, sperimentale e sull’improvvisazione. Si è esibita in Canada e negli Stati Uniti, da solista eseguendo John Cage alla Carnegie Hall. Ha girato in tournée in Canada, Regno Unito, Germania e Giappone con il duo sperimentale Sbot N Wo. Nata nel Regno Unito, è cresciuta in Canada, studiando a Montreal, Toronto e alla Eastman School di Rochester (NY). Vive sulla costa orientale del Canada, dove si esibisce, scrive e insegna Birthplace: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
videos from: Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada
With a voice acclaimed as "haunting and powerful" (American Record Guide), Helen Pridmore enjoys a career focused on contemporary scored music, experimental music and improvisation. She has performed across Canada and the USA, including a solo appearance singing John Cage at Carnegie Hall, New York, in 2012. With the experimental duo Sbot N Wo she has toured throughout Canada and performed in the UK, Germany and Japan. Born in the UK, Helen grew up in western Canada and studied in Montreal, Toronto and at the Eastman School in Rochester, NY.She now lives on Canada's east coast, where she performs, writes and teaches.


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